Archives mensuelles : juillet 2016

Java code and naming conventions

Why having Java code and naming conventions ? Code and naming conventions are important to programmers for a number of reasons: – The essential of the lifetime cost of software is its maintenance. We coud said that in general, a line … Continuer la lecture

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Java Map and thread-safety

Can we use no synchronized java.lang.Map instance fields in a multi-threaded context without explicit synchronization?No synchronized implementations of the java.util.Map interface such as java.util.HashMap or java.util.TreeMap are fast implementations as these are not thread-safe. In some use cases, the thread safety … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans java, performance en JAVA, thread | Laisser un commentaire

déclarer un EJB3

Declaration by annotation of a remote EJB   @Stateless @Remote public class MonEJBDistantImpl implements MonEJB{ public maMethode(){ } } Declaration by annotation of a local EJB @Stateless @Local — par défaut local public class MonEJBLocalImpl implements MonEJB { public maMethode(){ } } … Continuer la lecture

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