Archives mensuelles : novembre 2015

Create a trading application in Java (4/15) – Task : Define applicative layers

Our model design will be based on three application layers: – A graphical layer (presentation) – A business service layer (logic) – A data access layer (data) The data access layer will be both used by the service layer and … Continuer la lecture

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Task: Go from domain model to business design model

We will turn our conceptual model in business design model (classes) that we will illustrate by a business class diagram.  From this diagram, we could create raw Java classes of entities. 1) Go from domain model to business design model … Continuer la lecture

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Create a trading application in Java (3/15) – Task : Design the conceptual model

From the identified use cases and  basic trading knowledge, we will describe the conceptual model. In RUP (Rational Unified Process), we speak about « domain model ». Warning: the conceptual model is not a software components model. It is primarily a domain … Continuer la lecture

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Create a trading application in Java (6/15) – Task : Define where stored data

Let ${myVar} stands for a variable named myVar (it’s the Maven template for inlining Maven variables ). We will allow users application to define the data root directory. So, let ${app.base.dir}, a variable representing the directory you chose as the … Continuer la lecture

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Create a trading application in Java (2/15) – Task : Lay out the main GUI containing required functionalities

Before starting the design and development of the features, it is always prudent to lay out its graphical interface if the application is supposed to have it. This allow to set with great precision the needs in terms of services … Continuer la lecture

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Create a trading application in Java – Technical Choices (1/15)

The architectural and modeling approach of a trading application are not specific to the Java APIs or to a particular language. However, to illustrate my point with contents, I had to make technical choices. – The display of graphics will … Continuer la lecture

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Le véritable coût des exceptions en Java

Sur le projet sur lequel je travaille actuellement, un de mes collègues (ouvert au débat, compétent et affable) et moi avons échangé sur la manière de gérer la validation des règles fonctionnelles. Une chose en amenant une autre, est avancé … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans performance en JAVA, Uncategorized | Laisser un commentaire

cours n° 1 : Comprendre et développer le modèle, la vue et le présenteur d’une application GWT MVP Activity And Place

Table des matières Introduction 1) Le rôle du Modèle, de la Vue et du Présenteur 2) Choix pédagogiques 2) Concevoir le Modèle 3) Concevoir la Vue 4) Concevoir le Présenteur Introduction Les composants MVP : le Modèle, la Vue et … Continuer la lecture

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Arrays.asList(T…) , A List which is not really a List

In Java 6 or 7, the relative heaviness of the add operation in a list often encourages me to wonder if Arrays.asList() is convenient for my need. It’s sure that : private void shortAdd() { Record r1 = new Record(« java », … Continuer la lecture

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