Archives mensuelles : septembre 2022

python json (built-in library)

Scope and limitations Scope: – exposes an API familiar to users of the standard library marshal and pickle modules. – Allows customization of serialization and deserialization Drawbacks: – Customisation of serialization and deserialization may be quite cumbersome, especially the deserialization … Continuer la lecture

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Python formatting and linters

Pycharm formatter for python Python is less configurable than java. Here my current modifications against the default configuration to have a quite good formatting: A very important setting is the line wrapping. Without that, we may have some IDE errors … Continuer la lecture

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Collections in python

Definition of iterable and sequence objects What is an iterable object? An object capable of returning its members one at a time. Examples of iterables – all sequence types (such as list, str, and tuple) – some non-sequence types like … Continuer la lecture

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Git: Reduce repository size

Reduce repository size This post is strongly inspired by the gitlab documentation( Reduce repository size ) Motivations – it slows repository fetching/cloning decreases the productivity of development in general: developers, continuous integration and so for… – it takes a large … Continuer la lecture

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Linux graphical and no server hints

Formatting and partitioning install parted on an usb key in linux -download UNetbootin – download parted iso -Use UNetbootin to copy parted in the usb key Format an usb key 1. Check the device name of the key with : … Continuer la lecture

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