Collections in python

Definition of iterable and sequence objects

What is an iterable object?

An object capable of returning its members one at a time.
Examples of iterables
– all sequence types (such as list, str, and tuple)
– some non-sequence types like dict, file objects
– objects of any classes you define with an __iter__() method or with a __getitem__() method that implements sequence semantics.

What is a sequence object?

An iterable which supports efficient element access using integer indices via the __getitem__() special method and defines a __len__() method that returns the length of the sequence.
Examples of sequences:
– Some built-in sequence types are list, str, tuple, and bytes.

beware: dict implements the 2 functions but is considered a mapping rather than a sequence.


Common types

There are 4 basic sequence types: lists, tuples, str and range objects.
Additional sequence types tailored for processing of binary data and text strings are described in dedicated sections.

Command sequence operations

__getitem__() : efficient element access using integer indices 
– __len__() : method that returns the length of the sequence.
The abstract base class defines a much richer interface that goes beyond just __getitem__() and __len__(), adding count(), index(), __contains__(), and __reversed__().

Common functions to sequences :

x in s : True if an item of s is equal to x, else False

x not in s : False if an item of s is equal to x, else True

s + t : concatenation of s and t

s * n or n * s : equivalent to adding s to itself n times

s[i] : ith item of s, origin 0

s[i:j] : slice of s from i to j

s[i:j:k] : slice of s from i to j with step k

len(s) : length of s

min(s) : smallest item of s

max(s) : largest item of s

s.index(x[, i[, j]]) : index of the first occurrence of x in s (at or after index i and before index j)

s.count(x) : total number of occurrences of x in s

concrete example of basic functions of sequences
string example:

    def test_string_sequence_functions(self):
        foo: str = 'I am a good person'
        # in
        self.assertTrue('am' in foo)
        #  not in
        self.assertTrue('Am' not in foo)
        # +
        self.assertEqual('I am a good person and you?', foo + ' and you?')
        # *
        self.assertEqual('I am a good personI am a good personI am a good person', foo * 3)
        # access by index
        self.assertEqual('I', foo[0])
        self.assertEqual('g', foo[7])
        self.assertEqual('o', foo[8])
        self.assertEqual('o', foo[9])
        # access form the last elements
        self.assertEqual('n', foo[-1])
        self.assertEqual('o', foo[-2])
        # slice
        self.assertEqual('am', foo[2:4])
        self.assertEqual('I am a good ', foo[:12])
        self.assertEqual('person', foo[12:])
        # length
        self.assertEqual(18, len(foo))
        # min and max
        self.assertEqual(' ', min(foo))
        self.assertEqual('s', max(foo))
        # index of the first occurrence of x in s
        self.assertEqual(2, foo.index('a'))
        # index of the first occurrence of x in s by starting by the index 3
        self.assertEqual(5, foo.index('a', 3))
        # total number of occurrences of x in s
        self.assertEqual(1, foo.count('I'))
        self.assertEqual(3, foo.count('o'))
        self.assertEqual(0, foo.count('z'))

list example:

    def test_list_sequence_functions(self):
        foo: List[int] = [1, 5, 10, 5, 5, 0]
        # in
        self.assertTrue(1 in foo)
        self.assertTrue(5 in foo)
        #  not in
        self.assertTrue(2 not in foo)
        # +
        self.assertEqual([1, 5, 10, 5, 5, 0, 9, 88], foo + [9, 88])
        # *
        self.assertEqual([1, 5, 10, 5, 5, 0, 1, 5, 10, 5, 5, 0], foo * 2)
        # access by index
        self.assertEqual(1, foo[0])
        self.assertEqual(5, foo[1])
        self.assertEqual(10, foo[2])
        # access form the last elements
        self.assertEqual(0, foo[-1])
        self.assertEqual(5, foo[-2])
        # slice
        self.assertEqual([10, 5], foo[2:4])
        self.assertEqual([1, 5, 10, 5], foo[:4])
        self.assertEqual([10, 5, 5, 0], foo[2:])
        # length
        self.assertEqual(6, len(foo))
        # min and max
        self.assertEqual(0, min(foo))
        self.assertEqual(10, max(foo))
        # index of the first occurrence of x in s
        self.assertEqual(1, foo.index(5))
        # index of the first occurrence of x in s by starting by the index 3
        self.assertEqual(3, foo.index(5, 2))
        # total number of occurrences of x in s
        self.assertEqual(1, foo.count(1))
        self.assertEqual(3, foo.count(5))
        self.assertEqual(0, foo.count(9))

tuple basic example:

    def test_tuple_sequence_functions(self):
        foo: tuple[int, str, str] = (1, 'David', 'Doe')
        # in
        self.assertTrue(1 in foo)
        self.assertTrue('David' in foo)
        self.assertTrue('Doe' in foo)
        #  not in
        self.assertTrue(2 not in foo)
        # +
        self.assertEqual((1, 'David', 'Doe', 'lion', 'tiger'), foo + ('lion', 'tiger'))
        # *
        self.assertEqual((1, 'David', 'Doe', 1, 'David', 'Doe'), foo * 2)
        # access by index
        self.assertEqual(1, foo[0])
        self.assertEqual('David', foo[1])
        self.assertEqual('Doe', foo[2])
        # access form the last elements
        self.assertEqual('Doe', foo[-1])
        self.assertEqual('David', foo[-2])
        # slice
        self.assertEqual((1, 'David'), foo[0:2])
        self.assertEqual((1, 'David', 'Doe'), foo[:3])
        self.assertEqual(('David', 'Doe'), foo[1:])
        # length
        self.assertEqual(3, len(foo))
        # min and max
        # the aggregate function minimum and maximum cannot work with different types
        # self.assertEqual(0, min(foo))
        # self.assertEqual(10, max(foo))
        # index of the first occurrence of x in s
        self.assertEqual(1, foo.index('David'))
        # index of the first occurrence of x in s by starting by the index 3
        self.assertEqual(1, foo.index('David', 1))
        # total number of occurrences of x in s
        self.assertEqual(1, foo.count(1))
        self.assertEqual(1, foo.count('Doe'))
        self.assertEqual(0, foo.count(9))

tuple imutability example

from typing import Tuple
class Foo:
    def __init__(self, text) -> None:
        self.text = text
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f'Foo: text={self.text}'
foo_hello = Foo('hello')
foo_boy = Foo('boy')
t: Tuple[Foo, Foo] = (foo_hello, foo_boy)
print(f'id={id(t)}, t={t}')
# id=3055929302144, t=(Foo: text=hello, Foo: text=boy)
foo_boy.text = 'girl'
print(f'id={id(t)}, t={t}')
# id=3055929302144, t=(Foo: text=hello, Foo: text=girl)
t += t
print(f'id={id(t)}, t={t}')
# id=3055928752896, t=(Foo: text=hello, Foo: text=girl, Foo: text=hello, Foo: text=girl)


id=2052380007168, t=(Foo: text=hello, Foo: text=boy)
id=2052380007168, t=(Foo: text=hello, Foo: text=girl)
id=2052379458144, t=(Foo: text=hello, Foo: text=girl, Foo: text=hello, Foo: text=girl)

list() and set() built-in functions


These two functions have a close behavior:
– They create a list object or a set object.
– Two ways to use them: either we provide no parameter to create an empty collection or we specify an iterable as parameter and it creates a collection with elements contained in the iterable parameter.


from typing import List
from typing import Set
l: List[str] = list('gin')
# l=['g', 'i', 'n']
s: Set[str] = set('gin')
# s={'n', 'i', 'g'}
s: Set[str] = set(['gin', 'john', 'gin'])
# s={'john', 'gin'}
l: List[str] = list({'gin', 'john'})
# l=['john', 'gin']
s: Set[str] = {'gin', 'john'}
# s={'john', 'gin'}
s: Set[str] = {'gin', 'john', 'gin'}
# s={'john', 'gin'}
s: Set[str] = set()
# s={'gin'}
l: List[str] = list()
# l=['gin']


What is it ?

Very close of a Map (in Java/C# for example), a dictionary is a set of key:value elements, whereb keys are unique.

Initialize a dictionary

# empty dic
empty_dic = {}
# dic with st key and number value
dic = {'jack': 1234, 'john': 4567}
# dic with number key and str value
dic = {1234: 'jack', 4567: 'john'}
# dic with number key and list value
dic = {1234: ['jack', 'jackie'], 4567: ['john', 'johnny']}

Basic operations on dictionary

– get value for a key
– query key contained in
– query key not contained in
– add or update an element
– delete an element
– get list of keys, sorted by insertion order
– get list of keys, sorted asc

pleasures_by_food = {
        'potatoes': 'very good',
        'chicken': 'good',
# get value for 'potatoes' key
print('potatoes pleasure = ', pleasures_by_food['potatoes'])
# query key contained in
print('does it contain chicken ?', 'chicken' in pleasures_by_food)
# query key not contained in
print('does it not contain chicken ?', 'chicken' not in pleasures_by_food)
# add the cheese element
pleasures_by_food['cheese'] = 'interesting'
# update the potatoes element
print('update the potatoes element')
pleasures_by_food['potatoes'] = 'not bad'
# del the cheese element
print('Remove cheese key')
# del pleasures_by_food['cheese']
# alternative to delete
pop = pleasures_by_food.pop('cheese')
# alternative to delete with default value if key does not exist
pop = pleasures_by_food.pop('cheese', 'unknown')
# get a list of keys sorted by insertion order
# get a list of keys sorted by ascending order
print('Sort dictionary')

Merging collections

Merging dictionaries

Updating an existing dictionary

Update the dictionary with the key/value pairs from other, overwriting existing keys.
Return None.
update() accepts either another dictionary object or an iterable of key/value pairs (as tuples or other iterables of length two).

New in version 3.9 (| As union operator):
d |= other
Update the dictionary d with keys and values from other, which may be either a mapping or an iterable of key/value pairs. The values of other take priority when d and other share keys.

Creating a new dictionary

New in version 3.9 (| As union operator):
d | other:
Create a new dictionary with the merged keys and values of d and other, which must both be dictionaries. The values of other take priority when d and other share keys.


knights = {
        'gallahad': 'the pure',
        'robin': 'the brave',
        'nobody': 'knights'
queens = {
        'diana': 'the love',
        'helena': 'the mother',
        'nobody': 'queen'
# Creating a new dictionary
print('\nCreating a new dictionary')
knights_queens_new_object = knights | queens
# updating a dictionary
special_queens = {
        'super': 'woman',
        'special': 'mommy',
print('\nUpdating a dictionary')


Creating a new dictionary
knights_queens_new_object={'gallahad': 'the pure', 'robin': 'the brave', 'nobody': 'queen', 'diana': 'the love', 'helena': 'the mother'}
Updating a dictionary
knights={'gallahad': 'the pure', 'robin': 'the brave', 'nobody': 'knights', 'super': 'woman', 'special': 'mommy'}

Merging lists

Updating an existing list

Extend the list by appending all the items from the iterable.
Equivalent to a[len(a):] = iterable.
As alternative, we can also use the += operator.

Creating a new list

We use the + operator.


first_array = [1, 3, 5]
second_array = [6, 3, 8]
# Creating a new list
print('\nCreating a new list')
first_array_second_array_new_object = first_array + second_array
# updating a list
special_second_array = [1, 3, 6]
print('\nUpdating a list')
# alternative
# first_array+=special_second_array


Creating a new list
first_array_second_array_new_object=[1, 3, 5, 6, 3, 8]
Updating a list
first_array=[1, 3, 5, 1, 3, 6]
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