Archives mensuelles : décembre 2021

Ergonomic tricks

Windows And Linux Native Copy: Ctrl+Ins Cut: Shift+Del Paste: Shift+Ins Windows apps PowerToys Rebind some keys or keys combination.– to reduce the thumb painful combination with Alt + keys  in the left side such as : Alt + Tab, Alt … Continuer la lecture

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Python – Asyncio

Purpose and overview asyncio is a library to write concurrent code using the async/await syntax. At its core, it relies on an event loop model processing coroutines, so it uses only one thread. It is is used as a foundation … Continuer la lecture

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python unit testing

unittest API General – add the tests files/fixtures in a test folder at the root of the project. The folder may have any name in last Python 3 versions. – create an empty file at the root of the … Continuer la lecture

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python venv

Introduction When using that ? In almost every applications. The python and packages installed on the host may suit to some applications needs but not to all. To settle that : the venv module. That is the standard python module … Continuer la lecture

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Pip and packages

Generalities Repository : List installed modules : python3 -c « help(‘modules’) » or : pip3 list List a depth tree of dependencies of a python environment: pipdeptree. It is a third-party dependency. To install it: pip install pipdeptree List available versions … Continuer la lecture

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Python HTTP requests

Requests API Allow to send HTTP/1.1 requests. No need to manually add query strings to your URLs, or to form-encode POST data. Basic usage : import requests … response = requests.get(’’) Session Object A Session object has all the methods … Continuer la lecture

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