Archives mensuelles : décembre 2017

Design Pattern : visitor implementation in Java

The source code of design patterns can be viewed and downloaded here : is it ?The visitor design pattern is a behavioral pattern.The pattern splits the model data and its operations in distinct structures.When using it ?Multiple reasons :1) … Continuer la lecture

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Install Node/Npm On linux : yum/apt install nodejs Important points about node install on Linux : – npm is also installed when nodejs is installed. – during the install, a /usr/bin/npm symbolic link is added and that points to ../lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js … Continuer la lecture

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My everyday GIT commands

Themes Definitions Git ignore Company proxy tricks Minimal config variable to set to work in good conditions Clone repositories Git init repositories Partial clone and partial checkout Manage Branches (list, deletion, creation) Update Local projects Rebase Merge Git status Git … Continuer la lecture

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