From Java to Scala : some examples

Here is little article discussing about how to turn a Java code into a Scala code.

Java code :

import java.util.List;
public class Bob {
    private final List<String> preferedMatters;
    private final List<String> neutralMatters;
    private final List<String> hatedMatters;
    public Bob(List<String> preferedMatters, List<String> neutralMatters, List<String> hatedMatters) {
        this.preferedMatters = preferedMatters;
        this.neutralMatters = neutralMatters;
        this.hatedMatters = hatedMatters;
    public String listen(String something) {
        if (
                           .anyMatch(s -> something.toLowerCase()
                                                   .contains(s))) {
            return "Oh Yes";
        } else if (
                                 .anyMatch(s -> something.toLowerCase()
                                                         .contains(s))) {
            return "Ok";
        } else if (
                               .anyMatch(s -> something.toLowerCase()
                                                       .contains(s))) {
            return "Terrible";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No!!!");
    public List<String> getPreferedMatters() {
        return preferedMatters;
    public List<String> getNeutralMatters() {
        return neutralMatters;
    public List<String> getHatedMatters() {
        return hatedMatters;

Scala version using a Java 8 style code :

class Bob(preferedMatters: List[String], neutralMatters: List[String], hatedMatters: List[String]) {
  def listen(something: String) : String = {
    if (preferedMatters.exists(something.toLowerCase().contains(_))){
      return "Oh Yes"
    else if (neutralMatters.exists(something.toLowerCase().contains(_))){
      return "Ok"
    else if (hatedMatters.exists(something.toLowerCase.contains(_))){
      return "Terrible"
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("No!!!")
  def getPreferedMatters() = preferedMatters
  def getNeutralMatters() = neutralMatters
  def getHatedMatters = hatedMatters

We see that even with a Java 8 style, Scala is more readable/concise thanks to :
– constructor defined and field inhered from the class declaration
– the special character _ to represent the lambda parameter
– no need to stream the list to use high order level functions, here exists(p : A => Boolean)

And with a Scala style : pattern matching combined with guard/conditional, it is still better :

  def listen(something: String): String = {
    something match {
      case x if (preferedMatters.exists(something.toLowerCase().contains(_))) => "Oh Yes"
      case x if (neutralMatters.exists(something.toLowerCase().contains(_))) => "Ok"
      case x if (hatedMatters.exists(something.toLowerCase().contains(_))) => "Terrible"
      case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("No!!!")
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