Python HTTP requests

Requests API

Allow to send HTTP/1.1 requests.
No need to manually add query strings to your URLs, or to form-encode POST data.
Basic usage :

import requests
response = requests.get('')

Session Object

A Session object has all the methods of the main Requests API.
Feature :
– persist some parameters across requests.
– persist cookies across all requests made from the Session instance
– use urllib3’s connection pooling (may improve performance).


    # create a session
    session = requests.Session()
    # set some persistent parameters
    # ex: set the certificate path
    session.verify = '/etc/foo/ca.crt'   
    # ex: set auth 
    session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth('username', 'password')
    # execute some requests
    # a first one
    resp ='')
    # a seconde one
    resp = session.get('')

Send a JSON request

Processing a JSON response

The json() function : convert the response to a « json thing »

Just invoke json() on the response object:

resp = requests.get('')
jsonResult = resp.json()

Process a simple object returned as json

JSON simple objects (that is not an array) are converted into a dictionary.
Example with a json response as :

{'node': 'es02', 'disk.indices': '7.8gb', 'disk.percent': '84'}

We process it as any dictionary:

line = resp.json()
print('node=', line['node'])
print('disk.indices=', line['disk.indices'])
print('disk.percent=', line['disk.percent'])

Output :

node= es02
disk.indices= 7.9gb
disk.percent= 82

Process a array object returned as json

JSON array objects are converted into a list.
Element of the list (recursively) that are themselves array objects are again converted into a list.
Basic objects are converted to dictionary (as above). Example with a json response as :

[<br /> {"node":"es03","disk.indices":"10.9gb","disk.percent":"82"},<br /> {"node":"es02","disk.indices":"7.9gb","disk.percent":"82"},<br /> {"node":"es01","disk.indices":"3.3gb","disk.percent":"82"}<br />]

We process it as list at first level and dictionary at second level :

lines = resp.json()
for line in lines:
  print('new element found')
  print('node=', line['node'])
  print('disk.indices=', line['disk.indices'])
  print('disk.percent=', line['disk.percent'])

Output :

new element found
node= es01
disk.indices= 3.3gb
disk.percent= 82
new element found
node= es02
disk.indices= 7.9gb
disk.percent= 82
new element found
node= es03
disk.indices= 10.9gb
disk.percent= 82
Process finished with exit code 0

Common errors

Problem : protocol scheme is missing in the url.
Symptom : requests.get()/post()/... raise a InvalidSchema exception such as
requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema: No connection adapters were found for 'localhost:8000/foo'
Solution :
Prefix the url by the protocol : http, https…

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