WSL2 tricks

How to Set Memory and CPU Limits in WSL 2

Follow these steps :

1. Create or Edit the .wslconfig File

  1. Create or update the file : C:\Users\MyUsername\.wslconfig
  2. Add the following configuration :
    memory=4GB          # Set the maximum memory to 4 GB
    processors=2         # Limit the number of processors to 2
    swap=1GB             # Optional: Set the swap file size to 1 GB
    localhostForwarding=true  # Optional: Enable localhost forwarding

2. Restart WSL

To apply the changes, restart WSL:

  1. Open PowerShell or Command Prompt.
  2. Run the following command to shut down WSL:
    wsl --shutdown
  3. Start WSL again by launching your distribution (e.g., Ubuntu).

3. Verify the Changes

After restarting, verify the new settings:

  • Check Memory: Run the following command in your WSL terminal:
    free -h
    This shows the total, used, and available memory.
  • Check CPU: Run the following command:
    This displays the number of processors available to WSL.

Enable systemd and prevent any modification on the /etc/resolv.conf to prevent any internet problem access:

2 steps:
– Edit /etc/wsl.conf with:

generateResolvConf = false

– hardcode the content of /etc/resolv.conf:
sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
sudo bash -c 'echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf'

You can restart WSL now:
wsl --shutdown

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