Archives mensuelles : septembre 2024

Airflow basic

airflow standalone pip install « apache-airflow==2.9.3 » –constraint « » Troubleshooting Problem: The Airflow program is not available after the installation Solution: Look in the path variable to see if the airflow directory is present, if it isn’t, add it such as: :/home/david/.local/bin … Continuer la lecture

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airflow with kubernetes

Remove and reinstall a customized airflow chart cat #!/bin/bash helm uninstall person-airflow –keep-history   kubectl delete secret person-airflow-broker-url kubectl delete secret person-airflow-fernet-key kubectl delete secret person-airflow-redis-password kubectl delete secret sh.helm.release.v1.person-airflow.v1 kubectl delete secret sh.helm.release.v1.person-airflow.v2 kubectl delete secret sh.helm.release.v1.person-airflow.v3 … Continuer la lecture

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Example to create a connection and print the exception if it fails: import traceback   import psycopg2   try: conn = psycopg2.connect( "dbname=’modeler’ user=’postgres’ host=’host.minikube.internal’ " "port=’5433′ password=’secret’, " ) print(f"conn={conn}") except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc())   try: conn = … Continuer la lecture

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