Airflow basic

airflow standalone
pip install « apache-airflow==2.9.3 » –constraint « »


The Airflow program is not available after the installation
Look in the path variable to see if the airflow directory is present, if it isn’t, add it such as:

We update the code of a DAG but the changes are not effective, even after a restart of Airflow.
List the DAG errors with this command:
airflow dags list-import-errors

airflow startup

Start individual components in background and by specifying the port:
airflow webserver -p 5006 -D
airflow scheduler -D

Stop the web server:
kill -9 $(cat
kill -9 $(cat
kill -9 $(cat
ps -aux | grep -i 'airflow scheduler' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I% kill -9 %
ps -aux | grep -i 'gunicorn: master' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I% kill -9 %
ps -aux | grep -i 'gunicorn: worker' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I% kill -9 %

Airflow components

By default when we deploy airflow with helm we have these components:
– celery seen as a worker in pods
– redis as celery backend
– triggerer
– webserver
– scheduler
– statsd

airflow cli commands

airflow dags list

airflow dags list-import-errors

filepath                                                  | error
.........../airflow/example_dags/ | AirflowDagDuplicatedIdException: 
                                                            Ignoring DAG tutorial_taskflow_api from                                                                                             
                                                            | /home/david/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/airflow/example_dags/ - also found in                          
                                                            | /home/david/airflow/dags/

Display the configuration for the API:
airflow config get-value api auth_backends

Enable the basic authentication method for my API:
In airflow.cfg, set:
auth_backends = airflow.api.auth.backend.basic_auth

Create a new user:
airflow users create --username david --firstname Peter --lastname Parker --role Admin --email

Test if the authentication api works:
curl -X GET --user "david:pass" "http://localhost:30100/api/v1/pools"

List the runs of a dag:
curl -X GET --user "david:pass" http://localhost:30100/api/v1/dags/execute_function_single_taskflow_api/dagRuns

Trigger a new dag run:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' -X POST --user "david:pass" http://localhost:30100/api/v1/dags/execute_function_single_taskflow_api/dagRuns
Example of response:

  "conf": {},
  "dag_id": "execute_function_single_taskflow_api",
  "dag_run_id": "manual__2024-08-02T14:04:44.110493+00:00",
  "data_interval_end": "2024-08-02T14:04:44.110493+00:00",
  "data_interval_start": "2024-08-02T14:04:44.110493+00:00",
  "end_date": null,
  "execution_date": "2024-08-02T14:04:44.110493+00:00",
  "external_trigger": true,
  "logical_date": "2024-08-02T14:04:44.110493+00:00",
  "note": null,
  "run_type": "manual",
  "start_date": null,
  "state": "queued"

Get logs for a specific task instance and its try number.
To get log from specific character position, following way of using URLSafeSerializer can be used.
Example: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' -X GET --user "david:pass" http://localhost:30100/api/v1/dags/execute_function_single_taskflow_api/dagRuns/manual__2024-08-02T14:15:47.021558+00:00/taskInstances/execute_function/logs/1?full_content=false

Get the xcom return value of a task:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' -X GET --user "david:pass" http://localhost:30100/api/v1/dags/execute_function_single_taskflow_api/dagRuns/manual__2024-08-07T17:36:21.394783+00:00/taskInst ances/execute_function/xcomEntries/return_value
Example of response:

  "dag_id": "execute_function_single_taskflow_api",
  "execution_date": "2024-08-07T17:36:21.394783+00:00",
  "key": "return_value",
  "map_index": -1,
  "task_id": "execute_function",
  "timestamp": "2024-08-07T17:36:24.603657+00:00",
  "value": "{'error_type': None, 'error_msg': None, 'result': '12.3', 'stacktrace': None}"

Macro commands script to uninstall our helm package and delete all kubernetes secrets and persistent volumes that can cause errors during the reinstallation of the package

helm uninstall modeler-airflow --keep-history
kubectl delete secret modeler-airflow-broker-url
kubectl delete secret modeler-airflow-fernet-key
kubectl delete secret modeler-airflow-redis-password
kubectl delete secret sh.helm.release.v1.modeler-airflow.v1
kubectl delete secret sh.helm.release.v1.modeler-airflow.v2
kubectl delete secret sh.helm.release.v1.modeler-airflow.v3
kubectl delete secret sh.helm.release.v1.modeler-airflow.v4
kubectl delete secret sh.helm.release.v1.modeler-airflow.v5
kubectl delete secret sh.helm.release.v1.modeler-airflow.v6
kubectl delete secret sh.helm.release.v1.modeler-airflow.v7
kubectl delete pvc data-modeler-airflow-postgresql-0
kubectl delete pvc logs-modeler-airflow-triggerer-0
kubectl delete pvc logs-modeler-airflow-worker-0
kubectl delete pvc redis-db-modeler-airflow-redis-0
cd modeler-airflow-chart/
helm upgrade -i  modeler-airflow . --debug
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