JMX command line

jmxterm tool (command line tool)

Run the command line program :
java -jar jmxterm-1.0.0-uber.jar

Useful args :
-l  host:port to specify a remote jmx connection

-u foo -p pass  to specify the jmx user/password

Commands : 

Open a JMX session :
open PID where PID is the PID of the JVM program that we want to connect to with JMX.

open HOST PORT where HOST is the host and PORT is the JMX port where the app listens to.

List all JMX beans :

List all domains:

List methods of a JMX bean :
info -b BEAN_NAME where BEAN_NAME is the name of the JMX Bean



Connect to JMX from JConsole :

jmx with spring boot

Run a spring boot 2 app with JVM from command line :" -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost"

Different si on lance depuis Spring Boot 1 ou un JAR.

Replace « localhost »  by the server ip/name if needed


Find pid of a webapp on windows : netstat -ano | findstr 8080
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