GitLab application

GitLab components


– ngnix : web server in front of the UI application (serve static resources and proxy to unicorn). We could have multiple instances of it : for unicor and for the container registry
– unicorn : the UI application (ruby). Has its own server
– redis : temporary storage (ex: incoming job, job information and some metadata)
– PostgreSQL : persistent database (ex : users, permissions, issues and some other metadata). Has its own server


Components (from the official doc)

A typical install of GitLab will be on GNU/Linux. It uses Nginx or Apache as a web front end to proxypass the Unicorn web server. By default, communication between Unicorn and the front end is via a Unix domain socket but forwarding requests via TCP is also supported. The web front end accesses /home/git/gitlab/public bypassing the Unicorn server to serve static pages, uploads (e.g. avatar images or attachments), and precompiled assets. GitLab serves web pages and a GitLab API using the Unicorn web server. It uses Sidekiq as a job queue which, in turn, uses redis as a non-persistent database backend for job information, meta data, and incoming jobs. We also support deploying GitLab on Kubernetes using our GitLab Helm chart. The GitLab web app uses PostgreSQL for persistent database information (e.g. users, permissions, issues, other meta data). GitLab stores the bare Git repositories it serves in /home/git/repositories by default. It also keeps default branch and hook information with the bare repository. When serving repositories over HTTP/HTTPS GitLab utilizes the GitLab API to resolve authorization and access as well as serving Git objects. The add-on component GitLab Shell serves repositories over SSH. It manages the SSH keys within /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys which should not be manually edited. GitLab Shell accesses the bare repositories through Gitaly to serve Git objects and communicates with redis to submit jobs to Sidekiq for GitLab to process. GitLab Shell queries the GitLab API to determine authorization and access. Gitaly executes Git operations from GitLab Shell and the GitLab web app, and provides an API to the GitLab web app to get attributes from Git (e.g. title, branches, tags, other meta data), and to get blobs (e.g. diffs, commits, files). You may also be interested in the production architecture of

Update Gitlab server

1) Follow the upgrade path :
2) Update your package manager : apt-get update
3) Look for the wished version : sudo apt list -a gitlab-ee | less

Trick with Hyper-V, XRDP and Ubuntu image provided by windows

The GitLab configure command relies on the init cycle of our Linux OS. More particularly, the gitlab-runsvdir.service started by Chef. The unit starts after the of the system be enabled and running. But it will never happen. So the runsvdir.service will wait forever.
The files that contains that setup are : /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/package/files/default/>
They contain something like that :

Description=GitLab Runit supervision process

We can retrieve these files in this way :
sudo grep /opt/gitlab/ -rn -e "" 2>/dev/null
The workaround is replacing by in these files.
And of course to avoid surprises, we should set the gitlab package as not updatable any longer

Gitlab token

Personal access tokens

How to create them ?
Go on the top right corner (profile->settings), then menu « Access Tokens » on the left menu.

What ?
Allow to authenticate with:
– GitLab API.
– GitLab repositories (it means projects).
– GitLab registry (container registry).
These tokens inherit permissions from the user who created them.

Oauth 2 token

Clasic oauth 2 process

Deploy token

How to create them ?
Go to the project (or group) you want to create deploy tokens for.
Go to Settings > Repository.
Expand the Deploy tokens section.
Save the deploy token somewhere safe because after you leave or refresh the page, you can’t access it again.

What ?
– download a project (git clone)
– push and pull packages and container registry images of a project without having a user and a password.

These are managed by maintainers only.
These cannot be used with the GitLab API.
Deploy tokens are tied to the project and stay enabled even when the user who created the token is removed from the project.

Use deploy token in projects of a group
First step :
we create two variables on the settings > CICD > variable menu.
The name of these variables don’t matter because we still need to specify them in the pipeline scripts.
CI_DEPLOY_USER value must be equal to the deploy token’s username and
CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD must be equal to the deploy token’s password.
Note :
The deploy token’s name matters only to benefit from automatic injection of CI_DEPLOY_USER and CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD in the pipeline.
For that it works, the deploy token has to be limited to a project and not a entire group and the deploy token’s name has to be gitlab-deploy-token.

Using the token in a gitlab pipeline
We could login to the docker registry in that way :
CI_REGISTRY doesn’t need to be declared as a CICD variable. Gitlab injects it.

We could clone a git project in that way :
git clone https://$CI_DEPLOY_USER>:$

Gitlab administration

Locations of important stuffs

Source configuration file :
That template generates the configuration of most gitlab components (see below and reconfigure command)

Generated configuration files :
Example : /var/opt/gitlab/nginx/, /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/, /var/opt/gitlab/registry/…

GitLab logs :

Common admin commands

Display all GitLab environment information :
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info

Tail logs of all GitLab enabled services :
sudo gitlab-ctl tail

Tail logs of a specific GitLab service :
sudo gitlab-ctl tail foo-service

Restart all GitLab services :
sudo gitlab-ctl restart

Restart a specific GitLab component (for example nginx) :
sudo gitlab-ctl restart nginx

Get the list of configured GitLab services : gitlab-ctl service-list Service with a * character are enabled.
Get the status of GitLab services (running or not) :
gitlab-ctl status
Those that run have a PID info and these that don’t manage to have a label aside such as: « wanted to start »

Reconfigure GitLab (required when you change the gitlab.rb configuration file):
gitlab-ctl reconfigure

It will generates and overwrite gitlab services configurations and restart the services.
If « Let’s Encrypt fails » message for a chosen URL,  the  website can test that and help to diagnostic.

Show the configuration that would be generated by executing reconfigure (helpful to check that our gitlab.rb changes are what we expect o) :
gitlab-ctl show-config

Customize the gitlab application

Change the GitLab URL :
Edit in gitlab.rb :
external_url ""
And think of adding the mapping in etc/hosts

Rails console

Reset a git user password :
1) Open a Rails console :
gitlab-rails console

2) Find the user by username :
user = User.find_by_username('fooUser')
by id :
user = User.find('fooUserId')
by email :
user = User.find_by(email: '')

Important: to change the password of the root user we can use the id 1.

3) Reset the password :
user.password = 'secret_pass'
user.password_confirmation = 'secret_pass'

4) (informational). Communicate to the user that the password was changed by the admin :

5) By default, a confirmation by mail is required by the user.
To skip that :

6) Save the changes :!

Common issues

Problem :
Some services (gitlab server url, gitlab registry…) returns a 502 HTTP error.
A typical symptom is the gitlab ui that shows the error :

Whoops, GitLab is taking too much time to respond.

Solution :
– Case 1 : you just restarted some gitlab services, that is expected. Gitlab takes a couple minutes to be fully working.
– Case 2 : some services are down (intentionally or not). Check the services status with gitlab-ctl status and checks logs of services that fail to run.
– Case 3 : all services are up. In that case, we need to search in logs of gitlab services .
A naive but very often simple way is to search common error message in the last minutes.
For example : we query the gitlab server url, we get the 502 error response.
Then from /var/log/gitlab/ : we search log files modified in the last 5 minutes with the insensitive case « error » word :
find -mmin -5 -exec grep -ri "error" {} \;
If not enough we could hit broader by searching other words (-P for Perl regex) :
find -mmin -5 -exec grep -r -Pi "error|permission|denied|critical|fatal" {} \;

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