Archives mensuelles : février 2020

Kubernetes : overview, install and uninstall

-Kubernetes goals From the official website : Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. The containers orchestrator provides high-level features, (mainly focused on automation) to manage applications … Continuer la lecture

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Microservices with Spring Boot , Spring Cloud, Consul and Docker

Some choices about technologies Relying on Spring Boot is now a standard for java applications strongly focused on open source technologies. But to take advantages of microservices, we cannot not only rely on that because microservices require communication between services … Continuer la lecture

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PostgreSQL : basic

Documentation 10.0 psql : Basic useful info Server program : postgres Client program : psql Default listener port : 5432 Jdbc Url : jdbc:postgresql:database jdbc:postgresql://host/database jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database config location : /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf psql Commands Connect to the interactive terminal by specifying … Continuer la lecture

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Docker : how to diagnostic common issues

Docker daemon start/stop issue Symptom : A container cannot be stopped or removed AND trying to stop/start the docker daemon doesn’t help : the daemon looks hanging. Cause : The container mounted a directory that it didn’t release even after … Continuer la lecture

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Install docker-compose on Linux

Whatever the OS distrib and the way to install docker-compose, the program is always consisted in 1 and 1 only binary file : docker-compose. So the general idea is to download that and to store it at a location in … Continuer la lecture

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Consul with Docker : very basic

Start a consul container as a server agent Command : docker run -d -p 8500:8500 -p 8600:8600/udp –name=consul-server consul agent -server -ui -node=server1 -bootstrap-expect=1 -client= Explanations : – Ports are published only to bring helpful tools directly accessible from the … Continuer la lecture

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