
Basic tasks

clean : delete the build directory
build : build the application
publish : publish the jar in the configured remote repository

Important env variables

Specifies JVM arguments to use when starting the Gradle client VM. The client VM only handles command line input/output, so it is rare that one would need to change its VM options. The actual build is run by the Gradle daemon, which is not affected by this environment variable.

Specifies the Gradle user home directory (which defaults to $USER_HOME/.gradle if not set).

JAVA_HOME Specifies the JDK installation directory to use for the client VM. This VM is also used for the daemon, unless a different one is specified in a Gradle properties file with

Gradle properties

It relies on file(s).
The final configuration is a combination of all files, but if an option is configured in multiple locations, the first one wins:
– system properties, e.g. when -Dgradle.user.home is set on the command line.
– in GRADLE_USER_HOME directory.
– in project root directory.
– in Gradle installation directory.

Java tasks

From the official site :


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