gitlab API

Retrieve the list of all projects which I am member and with 100 results by page :

Download a file from a repository:
where :
1234 is the project id
master is the git branch
foo/bar/ is the path of the requested file with URL encoded full path (especially %2F for / char)

Retrieve commits (no details about files/changes):
Ex :
a) Retrieve commits from a project (1234 id project) and a specific branch or tag (develop)
curl -k -v -l -H 'PRIVATE-TOKEN: MY_GITLAB_TOKEN' ""
where :
1234 is the project id
develop is the git branch

b) Retrieve commits between two dates (01/06/21 until 24/12-21) from a project (1234 id project) and a specific branch or tag (develop)
curl -k -v -l -H 'PRIVATE-TOKEN: MY_GITLAB_TOKEN' ""

Compare two commits (details about files/changes):
Ex :
a) Retrieve commits from a project (1234 id project) and a specific branch or tag (develop)
curl -k -v -l -H 'PRIVATE-TOKEN: MY_GITLAB_TOKEN' ""
where :
1234 is the project id
develop is the git branch

The api returns a json response with three attributes:
– commit : an object with the last commit info (to param in the request)
– commits : an array with info of each commit in the requested interval
– diffs: an array with final diffs (so only between the interval, not for each commit) : modified file and the diff

Git operations

Clone a gitlab repo with a token :
git clone

If we want to specify the token during a push operation we have to specify it as a password and we have to provide the username too.

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