inspect in python

How to check if an object start with a specific package:

        module = inspect.getmodule(o)
        is_foo_app: bool = False
        if module and module.__name__:
            if module.__name__.split('.')[0] == "foo_app":
                is_foo_app = True

Retrieve all members of an object:

    getmembers: list[tuple[str, Any]] = inspect.getmembers(foo_object)
    list_members = [str(t) for t in getmembers]
    join = '\n'.join(list_members)

Retrieve all methods of an object:

    getmembers: list[tuple[str, Any]] = inspect.getmembers(foo_object, predicate=inspect.ismethod)
    list_methods = [str(t) for t .in getmembers]
    join = '\n'.join(list_methods)
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