Flask general

Start the application

Start the application which the python file is flask_example.py and run it on the port 5001 with the debug options:
flask --app flask_example run --port 5001 --debug


List all routes mapping:
Suppose your flask application file is flask_example.

Multiple ways:

1) With the cli flask command
flask --app flask_example routes
Under the hood, it imports your flask application file and so it loads its code.
Then it uses the value of the attribute : flask_example.app.url_map.

    Endpoint    Methods  Rule
    ----------  -------  -----------------------
    add_person  POST     /api/person
    foo         GET      /foo
    static      GET      /static/<path:filename>

2) From a REPL:
Concretely, we need to perform things performed by the previous way.

>>> import flask_example
2023-03-23 15:51:58,690 - INFO : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine._exec_single_context  select pg_catalog.version()
>>> flask_example.app.url_map
Map([<Rule '/static/<filename>' (HEAD, GET, OPTIONS) -> static>,
 <Rule '/foo' (HEAD, GET, OPTIONS) -> foo>,
 <Rule '/api/person' (OPTIONS, POST) -> add_person>])
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